Sunflowers have a large daisy-like flower face. The flowers come in many colours (yellow, red, orange, maroon, brown), but they are commonly bright yellow with brown centres that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds.
Sunflowers are heliotropic, which means that they turn their flowers to follow the movement of the Sun across the sky east to west, and then returns at night to face the east, ready again for the morning sun. Heliotropism happens during the earlier stages before the flower grows heavy with seeds.
Type: Annual
Height when fully grown: 6 - 10ft
Flowers during: Summer- Early Autumn
Sowing rate: 1kg per Acre (approx. 150 seeds per 10g)
What's in the packet?
100% Sunflower Seeds
For detailed information on how to sow and care for your seeds, please visit our Learning Hub!
Please note packaging may vary.